Monday, January 10, 2011

ECHOTOMB Free Net Release

From deep within the Appalachia, resident beatmeister ECHOTOMB (M. Peck) is set to release his
forthcoming full length “Error to the Throne” which if you’ve kept up is the follow up to his 2010
EP “LID”. More than just a heaping offering of beat madness, this album explores the depths of timbre and
tonality while staying accessible and experimental at the same time coupled with Zappaesque melody
lines and playfulness.
Clocking in at just under an hour, this album reveals the endless boundaries of Peck’s sonic palette, and
is easily his best "beat" work to date. One can still see Peck giving a proper nod to his peers but also separating himself to a level and realm all his own, and taking the jive higher and higher.

This is a Free Net Release (donations are gladly accepted at mpeckmusic (at) gmail dot com. Go to and download the set today!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Secret Music Top 25 of 2010

Secret Music radio host Scott Raymond also listed Mahoney and Peck's A Life Incandescent on his Top 25 of 2010. Click here for the entire list. Thanks for the continued support Scott!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Recent Nod from Star's End

In early 2010, we released the final installment from the duo Mahoney & Peck A Life Incandescent and received some note worthy attention. Recently, we were made aware that it also was picked by Star's End as a significant release of 2010. Here is the link to view the entire list, and a special thank you to SE host Chuck van Zyl for his support on the album as his artwork graces the cover, and to Art Cohen that assisted in engineering this album.